Pick-Up Post: Board Games!

photo 5(3)Steff and I’s latest trip to 401 Games proved to be a fruitful one. Our haul from this one features a strategy game from the makers of Ticket to Ride, a Kickstarter-funded card game, a board game designed by Richard Garfield of Magic: The Gathering fame, and a dice game that’s barely a game.

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Small World

In this strategy game, players assume the role of rival factions fighting for territory in a world that’s too small to contain everyone. The premise is simple, though underneath is a lot of rules and depth that make it more daunting than what we thought it would be. I think we’ve come to grips with how to play, though I think it’s too early to pass a final judgment on Small World. Look out for a full review in the future!

Buy Small World Now From Amazon.com

photo 2(15)Boss Monster: Master of the Dungeon

Not knowing of its Kickstarter past, this one caught my eye the moment I saw it at Snakes and Lattes. In it, each player assumes the roll of a boss monster in a video game that is trying to kill heroes by building an inescapable dungeon. Thematically, this is a game that’s right up my alley. Hopefully Boss Monster goes beyond pandering to my love of video games to deliver a quality card game experience.

Buy Boss Monster: Master of the Dungeon Now From Amazon.com



I don’t know much about this one other than what’s written on the back of the box. This one caught Steff’s eye on the shelf and at only $10, she decided to take a chance on it. It’s made by Richard Garfield of Magic: The Gathering and King of Tokyo fame, so I hope this one proves to be an under-the-radar hit.

Buy Rocketville Now From Amazon.com

photo 1(15)Le Boomb

There’s very little to Le Boomb. You get one plastic sphere that looks sort of like a bomb and a custom six-sided die. Players take turns rolling the die to see if they take the bomb, if the fuse continues to burn or if the bomb blows up. If the bomb blows up while it’s in your hands, you’re dead. Play continues until only one person hasn’t been blown up. Odds are, you can pass on this one. However, if you’re looking for a very light icebreaker game for kids or families, this fits the bill. Also, at a cost of only $3-4, it’s not going to break the bank.

Buy Le Boomb Now From Amazon.com

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