The Most Popular Channel Point Rewards on My Twitch Channel in 2020

Earlier this year, I implemented new tech that allowed you to control the stream by spending Twitch Channel Points. The feature proved to be such a big hit that it’s now a core component of my show. I love the fact that you get to add your personal touch to the content, whether that means perfectly timing the air horn to coincide with hype moments, taking a hilarious photograph of me with an autograph to match, or blowing the Poke Flute in hopes that shiny Snorlax will appear.

Speaking of which, let’s get the elephant shiny Snorlax out of the room. The most popular Twitch Channel Point reward was the Poke Flute and it wasn’t close. But how much more popular was it compared to the others? And how often were the other effects used? Here are the Channel Point usage stats on my channel from least-to-most used!

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Ways of Improving Your Twitch Stream (That Don’t Involve Spending a Fortune)

Making improvements to your stream doesn’t always have to involve spending money. If anything, the best improvements one can make don’t involve money at all. But for streamers on a budget, knowing where to make adjustments without breaking the bank can truly take you farther than spending money on the latest equipment.

Here are a few thought-starters for ways you can improve your stream without spending big bucks on new equipment!

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Tips for Improving Your LioranBoard and Touch Portal Viewer Commands

It’s been a few months now since I began implementing Channel Point effects onto my stream through LioranBoard. Giving you the ability to control the stream has gone a long way towards taking the show to new heights. Going forward, I’ll continue to find ways for you to make your mark!

With the functionality picking up momentum and Touch Portal now offering a similar service, now is a great time to run through some specific nuggets of information I’ve picked up along the way. Hope these help you with your LioranBoard and Touch Portal integrations!

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Elgato Stream Deck Alternatives

I adore my Elgato Stream Deck. Yes, it seems very pricey for a handful of buttons. And no, you probably shouldn’t buy the Stream Deck Mini because six buttons isn’t enough for most. However, my standard Stream Deck has proven to be more than worth it. With this device, it makes it so easy for me to seamlessly juggle between scenes, toggle audio sources on/off, activate my voice changer, trigger my sound board, and so much more. If anything, I’m pining for the Stream Deck XL so I can have access to even more buttons.

Regardless of how much I and many others may recommend this controller, it’s hard to overcome the sticker shock to really understand the Stream Deck’s value proposition. If you want a taste of what it’s like to have a Stream Deck but don’t want to pay Stream Deck prices, consider these alternatives.

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