Games I Was Late to the Party For

Keeping up with the latest and greatest in games is an unrealistic task for most. With so many new games hitting every week and prices that make it difficult to obtain everything you want, certain games will slip through the cracks. There are also games that weren’t on your radar at the time of release that make their way to the top of your priority list later on. Whatever the case may be, we all inevitably get to some games after the zeitgeist has moved on.

Here’s a list of games that originally slipped by that I finally got around to.

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Prepare to Cry! Newbie Gets Owned in Dark Souls on Switch!

First look at Dark Souls on the Switch thanks to the network test! Unfortunately, I can’t show you much of the beta because I’m AWFUL at the game. If you want to watch me die repeatedly in the first section of the demo, be my guest!

Dark Souls Impressions

At this point, Dark Souls is viewed upon as legendary among the gaming community for it’s unapologetic difficulty. Taking heavy cues from action and adventure games of yesteryear, it brutally punishes mistakes and is a rather obtuse experience to comprehend. With virtually no context given, the game gives you a key to free yourself from your cell and it’s essentially up to you to figure out the rest.

This style of game is generally not my thing. Even as a child, my tolerance for difficulty was relatively low. However, it’s crossed that point where as a gaming enthusiast, I just have to play it in order to experience first hand what everyone’s been talking about. Also, I started playing ZombiU, which many people say takes influence from Dark Souls, and I didn’t have that experience under my belt to say otherwise. Did I make it out alive?

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Underneath My Christmas Tree: 2012 Gaming Edition

Merry belated Christmas! Hope your holidays are going great!

As I’ve gotten older, the focal point of Christmas has shifted from receiving to giving. I’m sure that once I have children of my own, that focus will shift even more. Though I generally expect less as time goes by, I still got a number of wonderful gaming related gifts from my loved ones. Thank you Santa for everything! Below is a list of stuff I got under the tree. What did you give/receive? Feel free to share in the comments!

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