Take Your Twitch or YouTube Streaming Overlay Presentation to the Next Level With This Trick!

During the peak of my Among Us frenzy, my wife and I stumbled on a jacksepticeye video of him and a number of other top gaming content creators playing the game together. During the voting phase, the camera punched inward to focus on Jack, making for a better viewing experience in that moment. Other streamers do this with their VODs as well, such as Pokimane, Disguised Toast, Ninja, and more.

The thing is, this zoom effect is done after the fact in a video editor. But could an entrepreneurial streamer implement that same effect in a live environment?


I have implemented it on my stream and I love having for the sake of having an “aside” with viewers without taking them completely out of the game. Here is how you can implement this zoom-in during gameplay!

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Add the Twitch Chat and Event List in OBS the Easy Way

One of the big criticisms levied at OBS versus other broadcast software is that it doesn’t have the chat and event list built in. Having to look at different windows to see all of the information you need as a streamer is a nightmare, which oftentimes drives users to alternatives.

Some go to Streamlabs OBS, which does offer these features, as well as direct integration with Streamlabs alerts and overlays. While this is more than enough for some, its walled-garden approach gives it a much lower ceiling from a technical perspective if you really want to push your streams to the limit. I used to use StreamElements OBS Live, but recent hiccups in the software would cause my OBS to crash on start-up. Uninstalling it did the trick and I’ll never recommend it again.

So what does one do now? Well, there’s actually a very easy trick to add your chat, event lists, stats, or anything you can see in a web browser inside OBS! Best of all, you don’t need to install any intrusive software to make this work!

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Stream to Twitch and YouTube Like a Pro With My Top 10 Tech Tips for OBS

OBS is the go-to broadcasting software for streamers. It’s incredibly powerful and it’s free. If you don’t already have it, grab it here! Putting together your first stream isn’t that difficult, but you can really take your stream to the next level with a few tidbits of advice you may have missed along your journey.

Here are my top 10 tips for streaming like a pro in OBS!

Actually, there are 11 tips, but “top 10” works better for SEO purposes and #11 might be the most important tip of all. Let’s get to the tips!

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Take Your OBS Streams to the Next Level With These Third-Party Plugins

As is, OBS is an incredibly powerful tool for streaming. But you can really take your stream to the next level with an assortment of third-party plugins. Much of what I do on-stream is powered by third-party plugins that allow you to zoom into my face as math equations swirl around my head, censor my screen, and even blow the Poke Flute for a shot at a shiny Snorlax!

You can do all of this and more by implementing third-party plugins in your OBS setup. Here are some of my favourite third-party plugins for OBS!

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How to Easily Add Rounded Corners to Your OBS Camera View

Rounding off the corners of your camera view is a slick effect one can implement on their stream to stand out. One could achieve this effect in the old days by creating an image mask. Image masks are still great for custom shapes, but there’s an easier way to achieve that effect thanks to an OBS plugin. Here’s how to do it!

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Make Your Camera Any Shape in OBS with Image Masks

By default, your camera feed will appear as a rectangle. But did you know that you can make your camera appear in any shape you want? Yes, it’s possible to just round out the corners, go full-on circle, or any other shape your can imagine. Here’s how you can achieve this look in OBS or Streamlabs OBS!

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How-To Easily Create Colour Gradients in OBS Without Photoshop or Other Photo Editing Apps

Colour gradients are a great way of adding design elements that fade into different colours. Until recently, this effect was only possible within Photoshop or other external photo-editing apps. As a streamer, you’d have to bounce between your streaming software and your photo editor to create and implement gradients in the right size.

Now there’s an easier way to create simple gradients within OBS without having to use an external photo app. Let me show you how!

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The Best Way to Use Your Phone as a Webcam for Twitch, YouTube, Discord, OBS, and More

Your next camera for streaming and video content creation might already be in your pocket.

Yes, it is possible to use a smartphone as a webcam. Wrote a guide in the past on how to do that using Elgato Screen Link. While that solution is still valid if you need to screen capture off your phone, I’ve recently discovered a better way to use it as a webcam that negates most of the input delay. Here’s how you can quickly set up your phone as a camera in a matter of minutes!

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Ways of Improving Your Twitch Stream (That Don’t Involve Spending a Fortune)

Making improvements to your stream doesn’t always have to involve spending money. If anything, the best improvements one can make don’t involve money at all. But for streamers on a budget, knowing where to make adjustments without breaking the bank can truly take you farther than spending money on the latest equipment.

Here are a few thought-starters for ways you can improve your stream without spending big bucks on new equipment!

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Experimenting with Snapchat Filters on My Twitch Stream

Snap Camera is a application that allows users to apply Snapchat filters to their non-mobile cameras, such as webcams. You can take pictures and record videos within the app itself, or use it within video applications such as OBS. Though the app has been available for some time, I’ve only recently gotten around to it. Will I be applying filters to my face in future streams?

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